How do I schedule an appointment with a Wills Eye physician or request a physician referral?
Call 1-877-AT-WILLS (1-877-289-4557).
How do I get to Wills Eye?
Click here to find directions to our facilities as well as information about parking, lodging, and dining).
How do I apply for employment at Wills Eye?
To learn more about working at Wills Eye, please visit our Jobs page.
How do I get a copy of my medical record(s)?
Visit the Medical Records section to learn how to obtain a copy of your medical records.
How do I get a copy of the Wills Eye Hospital Notice of Privacy Practices?
Click here to download our Notice of Privacy Practices.
How do I call a patient?
To telephone a patient at Wills Eye, please call Patient Information at (215) 928-3000. Business hours are between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
How do I email a physician or staff member?
We do not provide email addresses on our website of our physicians and staff. If you would like to email a specific physician or staff member, you will need to contact them via telephone or regular mail and obtain their email address.
For physician phone numbers and addresses, please use our online physician directory or call 1-877-AT-WILLS. To get in touch with a staff member, please call main number for Wills Eye at (215) 928-3000.
I'm interested in medical education at Wills Eye. Who do I contact for information?
Please visit our medical education section for details.
I'm interested in a residency program at Wills Eye. Who do I contact?
Click on the link for information about the Wills Eye Residency program.
Is Wills Eye Hospital part of Thomas Jefferson University?
No. Wills Eye Hospital is a free-standing eye hospital but has an affiliation with Thomas Jefferson University as its Department of Ophthalmology.