AT AAO 2024
AT AAO 2024
Click the dates below to view a schedule of Wills Eye presentations
Monday, October 21, 2024
First Name | Last Name | Role | Title | Topic | Day | Event Start/End | Event Type | Format | Session | Location | |
Brandon | Ayres, MD | Instructor | Surgical Management of Iris Defects | Cataract | Monday | 2 PM - 3:15 PM | Instruction Course | In Person Only | 647 | S106B | |
Brandon | Ayres, MD | Instructor | Pupilloplasty Techniques and Innovations in Iris Repair | Cataract | Monday | 11 AM - 12:30 PM | Skills Transfer | In Person Only | LAB142A | N230 | |
Brandon | Ayres, MD | Speaker | Spotlight on Cataract Complications: You Make the Call. Phaco Ater Possible PC Puncture | Cataract | Monday | 8 AM - 12:15 PM | Symposium | In Person, Live Broadcast, On Demand | SYM57 | Grand Ballroom S100AB | |
Ralph C. | Eagle Jr., MD | Instructor | Retinoblastoma 2024: They Live and See! | Retina | Monday | 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM | Instruction Course | In Person Only | 637 | E353B | |
Brad H. | Feldman, MD | Instructor | Management of the Vitreous for the Anterior Segment Surgeon | Cataract | Monday | 8 AM - 9:30 AM | Skills Transfer | In Person Only | LAB128B | N228 | |
Ravi D. | Goel, MD | Instructor | Proactive Steps to Avoid Revenue Cycle Catastrophes | Practice Management - Business & Finance | Monday | 11:30 AM - 12 PM | Ask the Experts | Live Broadcast, On Demand | ASK10V | ||
Sadeer B. | Hannush, MD | Instructor | Everything You Need to Know About DALK | Cornea, External Disease | Monday | 9:45 AM - 11 AM | Instruction Course | In Person Only | 606 | S101 | |
Bita | Momenaei, MD | Speaker | Podium Posters: Retina. "Incidence and Outcomes of RD After Cataract Surgery in Eyes with Prior RD Repair" | Retina | Monday | 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM | Podium Posters | In Person, On Demand | PT13 | Demand | |
Anton | Orlin, MD | Senior Instructor | Preventing and Managing Complications Following Vitreoretinal Surgery | Retina | Monday | 8 AM - 9:15 AM | Instruction Course | In Person Only | 613 | S106B | |
Christopher J. | Rapuano, MD | Instructor | Tips and Tricks in Corneal Perforations and Descemetoceles | Cornea, External Disease | Monday | 2 PM - 3:15 PM | Instruction Course | In Person Only | 653 | S105A | |
Maria | Schoen, MD | Instructor | Surgical Management of Iris Defects | Cataract | Monday | 2 PM - 3:15 PM | Instruction Course | In Person Only | 647 | S106B | |
Marisa | Schoen, MD | Instructor | Surgical Management of Malpositioned and Malfunctioning IOLs | Cataract | Monday | 2 PM - 3:15 PM | Instruction Course | In Person Only | 647 | S106B | |
Carol L. | Shields, MD | Instructor | Imaging in Ocular Oncology | Ocular Pathology, Oncology | Monday | 2 PM - 3:15 PM | Instruction Course | In Person Only | 655 | E353A | |
Carol L. | Shields, MD | Instructor | Mystery Retina 2024: Interactive Discussion of Challenging Cases | Retina | Monday | 8 AM - 9:15 AM | Instruction Course | In Person, On Demand | 607 | E451A | |
Carol L. | Shields, MD | Instructor | Retinoblastoma 2024: They Live and See! | Retina | Monday | 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM | Instruction Course | In Person Only | 637 | E353B | |
Zeba A. | Syed, MD | Panelist | Cornea, External Disease Original Papers | Cornea, External Disease | Monday | 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM | Original Paper Session | In Person, On Demand | OP12 | S405 | |
Richard | Tipperman, MD | Speaker | Spotlight on Cataract Complications: You Make the Call. Radial CCC Tear | Cataract | Monday | 8 AM - 12:15 PM | Symposium | In Person, Live Broadcast, On Demand | SYM57 | Grand Ballroom S100AB |